Our L5 e30 Conversion Kit for Passenger Auto, now adds to the life of aging autos, rather than becoming a sunken investment.
We are now country’s first certified electric conversion manufacturer

Our L5 e30 Conversion Kit for Passenger Auto, now adds to the life of aging autos, rather than becoming a sunken investment.
Our L5 e30 Conversion Kit for Passenger Auto, now adds to the life of aging autos, rather than becoming a sunken investment. We have an iCAT certified high-performance power conversion kit enabling ICE (internal combustion engine) rickshaw owners to cost-effectively make the leap to clean, efficient, and low-maintenance ELECTRIC POWER.
Based on strong test results and growing consumer and public interest, 3ev Industries Private Limited was formed on April 30 2019 in partnership between RUGGED Solar Products Pvt Ltd and ReBatt Limited, based in Hong Kong. The company plans to continue testing its first prototype, the SURYA e20S, and develop new models including the SURYA e12 and SURYA e12S for "last-mile " shared urban transport throughout India. In addition, the company is developing the SURYA e75SD and SURYA e55SD for higher-speed highway driving. These electric vehicles will carry up to four passengers at speed of up to 65kph. The power systems enjoy the same reliability and long-life benefits, with three years of battery life offered under warranty. Commercialization of all models under development is expected by calendar year-end 2019.
In early December 2018, the first prototype of a new electric rickshaw began testing. The vehicle was designed and manufactured at RUGGED Solar for shared transportation in highly congested and polluted urban areas. Being fully electric, the vehicle produces no pollution and little noise. In addition, the prototype is installed with a sophisticated power system which ensures up to three years or more of battery life with limited loss of battery capacity and power. The EV is capable of travelling over 130km per charge loaded with up to six passengers. With a powerful 2000-watt motor, the vehicle can easily sustain speeds of 20-25kph on flyovers, and can maneuver with agility in traffic. Testing will continue over the next 12-months during which time commercialization plans will be developed and implemented.